
Leadership Development and Team Building

by Oliver Wright 04 May, 2023
Coaching and mentoring as a leadership and development style works because it treats the employee as an adult, it acknowledges their capacity for growth, and it works on building self-belief and self-reliance.
by Oliver Wright 12 Mar, 2023
Effective Delegation “The inability to delegate is one of the biggest problems I see with managers at all levels.“ (Eli Broad) Find out how to delegate more effectively to motive, drive performance and increase efficiency.
by Oliver Wright 05 Oct, 2022
Future focused feedback for positive development
by Oliver Wright 10 Jun, 2022
Find out more about how having a growth mindset, can help you face challenges and continue to develop throughout your life. Most successful people continue self-improvement even after they ‘make it’ in life.
by Oliver Wright 28 Mar, 2022
Being truly assertive, using neutral language, is highly effective for managing difficult and sensitive conversations, asking for what you want and for dealing with conflict.
by Oliver Wright 21 Mar, 2022
Coaching or Mentoring? There are coaches and mentors or those who offer both. So, what’s the difference? Firstly, within the context of business or organisations the aim of both is broadly similar. That is, to help people in organisations develop the necessary self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and personal resilience to learn, build on their strengths and ultimately improve their performance.
by Oliver Wright 17 Mar, 2022
So, it’s your first leadership role or you have just taken on a new team. It’s a daunting prospect, right? Becoming the person everyone is looking to for guidance, direction, and wisdom! These tips are designed to focus specifically on the first few weeks and months as you form the team and set the tone for a positive high-performance culture.
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